Therapeutic massage allows an individual to exercise a proactive role in dealing with their issues, be that stress, a chronic muscular problem such as carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatic pain, headaches or tight muscles, or merely to bring relaxation and wholeness back into everyday living. I use a combination of techniques such as Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, and stretching, designed to help achieve overall well-being and long term health.  This relaxes and lengthens muscle tissue, which helps to relieve pain caused by numerous factors including chronic conditions, overuse and stress.  Clients walk away feeling refreshed, with a renewed spirit and a sense of calm.   

Client Customized Massage: (Includes: Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage, Myofascial Release, Oncology Massage, Prenatal Massage and Medical Massage.)



30 minutes - $50

45 minutes - $75

60 minutes - $90

90 minutes - $130